Episode 24: The Impossible Pivot

When Thalia Mostow Bruehl's career as a professional dancer ended it seemed like becoming a writer was impossible. She shares how she went from having no formal post-secondary education to becoming a New York Times published author.

Thalia opens up about the time in her life when her love of ballet ended. As many professional dancers can relate, ballet can be a love/hate relationship for us all.

When C-Sections can be such a shameful event for most mamas, Thalia turned this experience into art by writing her essay, "My C-Section Was the Happiest Moment of My Life." Tune in to this week's episode to hear Thalia read an excerpt from her New York Times article that will tug at your heart strings. 

To read the entire article, click here.

To find out more about Thalia you can visit her website; thaliamostowbruehl.com. Or follow her on Instagram.


Episode 25: We Can Have Both


Episode 23: Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff